Free printable 50 sight word mastery checklist kindergarten
Free printable 50 sight word mastery checklist kindergarten

Let’s build that fluency! It’s not enough to read the page just once.

free printable 50 sight word mastery checklist kindergarten

Students color a happy face once every sentence on the page has been read. I like to make sure to model how to read the sentences fluently and encourage tracking words with my finger.

free printable 50 sight word mastery checklist kindergarten

Now it begins! For the first read, we usually read the sight word sentences aloud together. Not only does this frontloading increase student vocabulary, it also helps them feel confident and successful when it’s time to read the sentences! Read the Sentences We discuss what word we think the picture represents and find the word in the sentence. This is completely optional, but I like to review the picture clues with my students, especially my ELL/ESL students. I usually have them find the sight word in each sentence independently. My students love to “highlight” with a crayon, but you can use a pencil, crayon, pen, or marker. After discussing the word, we decide whether we will be highlighting, coloring, circling, or underlining the word. The target sight word is always listed on the top left corner of the page.

free printable 50 sight word mastery checklist kindergarten

Here’s how I use these sight word sentence worksheets with my students. Most importantly, kids will often encounter all of these words when learning to read! Using the Sight Word Sentences Worksheets Even if you do not use Fry’s sight word lists, many of the words overlap with other lists. I’ve created these sight word sentence activities for all of Fry’s first 300 sight words. In order to encourage confidence in reading, I recommend using controlled text when practicing reading sight words in context.Ĭontrolled text means that, thanks to prior learning and picture clues, students should be able to read all of the words in the text. While flashcards, worksheets, and hands-on sight word activities all play an important role, practicing sight words in the context of reading is vital to building sight word mastery.

free printable 50 sight word mastery checklist kindergarten

There are many ways to learn and practice sight words. However, due to their high frequency, encountering sight words while reading is inevitable. Unlike most words, they are usually not decodable. Sight words are a vital part of learning to read. Download a free copy of sight word sentences, the #1 way to practice sight words in the context of reading.

Free printable 50 sight word mastery checklist kindergarten